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What is Holistic Dentistry?

Holistic dentistry is a dental practice that takes into account the emotional and physical health of an individual. A Holistic dentist Toronto utilizes natural therapies that diagnose, curb, and treat oral health problems. Dentists practicing on a holistic level not only focuses on the gums and teeth, but also on the entire body. They offer recommendations or programs that go beyond just practicing daily oral hygiene. They place emphasis on healthy nutrition, moderate consumption of alcohol, and smoking cessation.  

Chronic Health Concerns

The perspective of dentists taking on a holistic approach may differ. For instance, some of them may be against the use of fluorides since they feel it’s not capable of curbing tooth decay. In addition, they feel fluoride can trigger chronic health problems such as degenerative bone disease and cancer. A majority of holistic dentists aren’t in favor of performing root canals. They feel that making use of sterilizing agents could further trap bacteria in the canal, which can lead to long-term health problems.  

Avoiding Metals

Holistic dentists prefer to not to utilize nickel, amalgam, or other metallic elements in filling cavities. They’d rather settle for a composite resin. The use of this material is widely seen in dentists who don’t even think of themselves as holistic. Holistic dentists are likely to advise patients to have their amalgam fillings removed have them replaced with natural and healthier components.  

Less Radiation

Making use of digital x-rays, which limits radiation exposure to patients, happens to be part of holistic dentistry. Some conventional dentists today are utilizing this equipment to limit a patient’s exposure to radiation.  

Ask Questions

Whether one is exposed to a dentist with a Downtown dental holistic or conventional approach, don’t hesitate to inquire about the materials being utilized in all their dental procedures, how they dispose their dental waste, and their means of treatment.

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Tuesday:       8:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday:     8:00am – 6:00pm
Friday:           8:00am – 3:00pm


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