tooth extraction by Toronto Dentists - downtown dentistry

If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, and you’re wondering “Where is a dentist near me?”, you may also know that you’ve done some damage to your teeth in the intervening years. If that damage isn’t recent, and has gotten worse over time, you may be afraid you need to have some teeth pulled and wondering about tooth extraction cost toronto.

Why Do I Need an Extraction?

There are several reasons you might need an extraction:

  • Overcrowding
  • Damage
  • Impacted teeth

Getting an Extraction

Before the procedure, you’ll be asked about your medical history. Certain problems will make the dentist seek alternatives for the most common choice in many parts of the procedure. For example, if you have an allergy to latex, the dentist will likely use nitrile instead of latex gloves.

First, the dentist will give you an x-ray. This will give them a close look at each of your teeth, their relationships with each other, and important nerves that can get in the way during the procedure.

Many people fear getting an extraction and associate it with pain. A local anesthetic will almost always be given to limit the amount of pain felt when you lose a tooth. For more complicated procedures, a sedative or general anesthetic is also very common. When given an IV for sedation, you may be asked not to eat for some number of hours before the surgery.

In most cases, your tooth will be visible and relatively easy to pull. In this case, the dentist will likely use an elevator to loosen the tooth and forceps to pull the tooth out. In case the tooth is broken at the gum line or hasn’t erupted yet, a dentist or dental surgeon will have to cut the gums to extract the tooth.

 Things to Consider

In some cases, a dentist will prescribe antibiotics to be taken before and / or after the surgery. They may also prescribe an antibacterial mouthwash afterword to keep the gums from becoming infected or from a present infection becoming worse.

It may take some time to heal after a dental extraction. Depend on the number of teeth removed and where they are, your dentist may prescribe some drugs to help you deal with the pain over the next few weeks after surgery. You may need to avoid brush or be very mindful of how you do so, depending on where on where the extraction took place.

Tooth extraction cost varies according to the dentist, location of the tooth, sedatives used, number of teeth removed, and complications involved in the extraction. It’s impossible to give an estimate of the cost without seeing your dentist.

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