woman smiling - teeth whitening toronto by downtown dentistry
If you are unhappy with your smile due to stained or yellow teeth, a simple solution is teeth whitening. However, before seeking teeth whitening Toronto services, there are a few things you should know.  
  1. There Are Several Ways to Whiten Teeth
You can buy whitening products from your local pharmacy or you can receive a teeth whitening service from your dentist. Over-the-counter products include strips, trays, and toothpaste. There are several problems with over-the-counter solutions. For instance, toothpaste has minimal affect on teeth. Furthermore, whereas strips and trays do significantly whiten teeth, they often leads to uneven results. Plus, there is always a risk of chemicals irritating the gums. Seeking whitening from your dental clinic is your best option, as your dentist can create a custom tray to fit your teeth and will apply a protective product to your gums. You will keep the tray to use at home to continue the treatment.  
  1. Teeth Need to Be Healthy Before Whitening
Teeth whitening will exacerbate conditions like exposed roots, gum disease, and cavities. Before receiving whitening, you should see your dentist to treat any other issues.  
  1. Whitening Is Temporary
The effects of whitening can last anywhere from six months to two years. You can prevent stains returning by making improvements to your diet. When you have a custom tray from your dentist, you will be able to maintain the shade you want for your teeth more easily.  
  1. Your Teeth May Feel Sensitive After Whitening
Whitening gel can lead to sensitivity for up to 24 hours after treatment.  
  1. Whitening Isn’t for Everyone
If you have very sensitive teeth or gums, you suffer from GERD, or your gums are recessed, whitening may be the wrong option for you. Ask your dentist for other options to enhance the appearance of your teeth.

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