Nothing is worse than a smile problem. It can impact our self-confidence and make us feel self-conscious about talking in public or with friends and family. Having an attractive smile is essential to self-confidence and happiness. Fortunately, you do not need to worry about your dental problem because your cosmetic dentist will come to rescue you. 

General Dentist vs. Cosmetic Dentist

A cosmetic dentist focuses on the aesthetic appearance of teeth as opposed to a general dentist. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, the focus is on enhancing your smile, while your general dentist will make sure that your teeth are healthy and robust. Understanding the difference between the two can help you determine which dentist is best suited to treat your dental issue. 

How cosmetic dentists can improve your smile

Thanks to modern technology. Various cosmetic dental procedures can solve your specific needs.  Your cosmetic dentist can provide the following benefits to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. 

Teeth whitening

The coffee and tea cause your teeth to discolour over time. In this case, your cosmetic dentist can provide you with a teeth whitening treatment. This treatment involves creating a mouthpiece tray filled with a whitening solution. Your dentist will place the mouthpiece on your teeth and wait for the whitening solution to work. 

Dental bonding

No one wants to have a cracked or chipped tooth, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Your cosmetic dentist will use a moldable resin and harden it with ultraviolet light to repair these cracks. Bonding can fix minor cosmetic problems and is a cost-effective alternative to crowns.

Dental crown

To repair your damaged tooth, your cosmetic dentist may use a dental crown. Putting a crown over your tooth restores its shape and size. The crown will also help relieve pain. 

Gum contouring

Gum tissue that grows too much above your teeth causes a gummy smile. In gum contouring, your cosmetic dentist cuts any excessive gums to expose your teeth and improve your smile. 


Another cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of a chipped tooth is the use of veneers. The material used for veneers is porcelain or resin. Moreover, they produce better aesthetic results than teeth whitening. Your cosmetic dentist can recommend what type of veneer is appropriate for you.  

Dental Implants

Are you too shy to smile because of your missing tooth? You don’t have to worry about that because your cosmetic dentist can replace your missing tooth with dental implants. Dental implants are screwlike metal posts that look and function like your natural teeth. 


The best time to visit a cosmetic dentist

Perhaps you are clueless when to see a cosmetic dentist. To help you decide if cosmetic dentistry is for you, you need to take note of four considerations.

The shape of your face has changed. 

When you have missing teeth, your jawbone weakens and can affect the shape of your face. If you observe these symptoms, do not wait any longer in visiting your cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentists assess dental problems and recommend tooth replacement options. 

You suffer from chronic headaches. 

Sometimes people experience chronic headaches when having misaligned teeth. When the chronic headaches persist, visit your cosmetic dentist to help relieve your pain.

The thought of smiling and socializing makes you feel embarrassed.

Missing teeth can affect your confidence and the way you deal with people. When you experience a missing or discoloured tooth, you tend to avoid people as much as possible. You will no longer be shy around people by visiting a cosmetic dentist, and your confidence will also increase. 


A dentist appointment at least twice a year is vital to your dental health. You can have a cosmetic dentist evaluate your teeth and recommend which methods are most effective for maintaining them aesthetically and functionally. If you need a consultation, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Toronto

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