Smiling kid with a lost tooth

A tooth is one of the essential parts of your mouth. It helps to chew food, and it protects your tongue from hitting against your teeth. If you have a broken tooth, it can be embarrassing and painful as well. This guide will help you learn about a broken tooth and how to fix them. 

What causes a broken tooth?

Although our teeth are strong, they can still be vulnerable to strains and injuries. Your teeth can break because  of the following reasons:

  • Accidental trauma
  • Consuming something hard
  • Injuries caused by sports
  • Cavities that remain untreated

In most cases, a broken tooth cannot immediately give you pain. You may feel discomfort when chewing, however, if the break has reached any nerves in the mouth. Furthermore, a broken tooth may also cause your teeth to be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.  To provide necessary treatment for your broken tooth, visit your dentist immediately. 

How to fix a broken tooth

If you have a broken tooth, it is to see your dentist right away. Here are the dental treatments your dentist can use to save your teeth, based on the condition of your broken tooth:

Dental bonding

Dental bonding is simple and does not require local anesthesia. During dental bonding, your dentist roughens the surface of your teeth to help the bond stick better. The bonding material is shaped like natural teeth and hardened with ultraviolet light. 

Root Canal

Your dentist will perform a root canal when a large area of your pulp is affected. In a root canal procedure, your dentist retains the shell of your natural tooth and removes the affected pulp. 

Dental implants

There are cases when your broken tooth can be until your gum or even bone. When this happens, your dentist performs a dental implants procedure. Dental implants are metal posts shaped like screws that replace your missing teeth. They function like your own natural teeth. 


After a root canal treatment, your dentist will place a crown to protect your tooth. The material of dental crowns can vary from ceramic to porcelain to metal. 


How would you handle a broken tooth?

If you have accidentally broken your tooth, here are steps you can do until you receive treatment from your dentist.

  • Gather the broken pieces and rinse them with water.
  • Gargle your mouth with saltwater.
  • To stop the bleeding, apply pressure using gauze on the affected site.
  • Use an icepack on your cheek to reduce swelling. 
  • If your teeth have cracks, you can use temporary dental cement.
  • If you intend to eat, don’t bite down on a broken tooth. Consume soft foods. 

You may not think that your broken tooth is a huge deal, but a delay is a key to a possible infection. Don’t let a broken tooth ruin your day! Schedule an appointment with your Toronto dentist to restore your smile.

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