Halitosis Treatment

The food you eat after tooth extraction can help speed up your recovery. Here’s a guide to the best foods to eat after tooth extraction.

Binge-worthy foods after extraction

Following extraction, it is essential to make sure you get adequate nutrition. Eating a healthy diet reduces swelling and makes the healing process smooth. For food choices, soft and easy-to-chew foods are your best options. 

1. Cottage cheese

The typical perception of cottage cheese is that it is bland food. However, it can be a good choice after teeth removal. It is high in protein and calcium, which are essential for healing. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and pain. If you are in the stage of wisdom teeth healing, don’t rule out cottage cheese, it may just be the perfect food for you. 

2. Mashed potatoes

When it comes to food extraction, you want something gentle on your mouth while also filling and satisfying. Mashed potatoes fall into that category! Aside from providing energy, they are easy to make so that you can whip up a batch in no time. 

3. Soup

Soup is a great way to recover after having pulled a tooth. The broth will help keep you hydrated. Vegetable soups are rich in vitamins that improve your health. Moreover, it is easy to digest and won’t cause any irritation. You have to remember that the soup you are enjoying isn’t too hot as it might damage your teeth.

4. Eggs

If you are looking for nutritious and healing food after your extraction, reach for eggs.  They are high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, which can all help to speed up healing. In addition, they also boost the immune system and improve your overall health. Following surgery, eat eggs frequently to help you recover quickly.

Is there anything you should avoid eating?

You will receive specific instructions from your dentist about which foods to avoid after an extraction. The following are a few of the most common ones.

  • Crunchy foods such as grains, seeds, and cookies can interfere with healing.
  • Skip spicy foods since they cause pain and irritation.
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages may irritate the wounds.
  • Eating sticky and chewy foods after your surgery  may help increase the risk of biting the cheeks and lips. 


If you are experiencing tooth pain and think you may need a tooth extraction, book an appointment with your dentist in Toronto as soon as possible. Our experienced dental team will work to make the process as smooth and as stress-free for you as possible. 

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