Patient under treatment in dentist's chair

It is no secret that dental procedures are scary for some people. We all know the drill—sitting in a chair, not knowing what’s going on, and being terrified. If this sounds like you or someone you know, ask your dentist about oral sedation before your next appointment.

This type of sedation involves medication that you take orally to sedate you. Depending on the dosage you consume, its effects can either make you drowsy or put you to sleep. Commonly used oral sedatives can be more potent than nitrous oxide with longer-lasting effects.

Benefits of oral sedation

  • Numbs you of dental procedure pain

Oral sedation can numb you from the pain of dental procedures. When you’re under the influence of an oral sedative, your pain receptors aren’t activated. This type of sedation can definitely help if you’re getting a procedure that’s known to be painful.

  • Relieves your dental anxiety

Many people avoid the dentist for anxiety reasons. Some can be completely overwhelmed with fear and worry to the point of overthinking. While the effect of oral sedation doesn’t exactly rid the pre-procedure jitters, it can make the entire experience bearable.

  • It helps dentists work faster

 With oral sedation, you don’t have to worry about moving around in your seat from the nerves. This is also a good option for kids who tend to get fussy when going to the dentist. When you’re calm in the dentist’s chair, it helps them work a lot faster without any distractions.

  • Reduces your gag reflex

 Gag reflexes are usually a good thing, but they can be troublesome in procedures. Sedation helps by paralyzing this response. Patients can feel comfortable and don’t have to worry about projectile vomiting at their dentist.

Alternatives to oral sedation

There are various alternatives to oral sedatives. These include:

  • Nitrous oxide or inhalation sedative is also known as laughing gas. This helps patients relax and wears off quickly.
  • IV moderate sedation is another type of sedation that is for more lengthy procedures. This type of sedation makes the patient feel drowsy and sleepy, but they’re not fully asleep.
  • IV deep sedation with anesthesia puts patients in full sleep. The effects of this type of IV sedation last the longest, and patients sometimes take a while to wake up from it.

If you are taking other medications, ask your dentist about the effects of oral sedation.

The type of sedation your dentist may recommend will depend on two things. First is the kind of procedure you are getting. If the type of procedure is quick, then you may only need nitrous oxide. The second is your comfort level.

If you’re worried about the pain of dental procedures, ask your dentist if they offer this service. Our dentist in Toronto are ready to talk about ways to alleviate your dental anxiety. Call our team at World Dental Clinic today for a worry-free appointment!

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