gum graft surgery by downtown dentistry
  Regular brushing alone is not enough to keep you away from having teeth and gum problems. Your gums may recede or wear away with improper brushing and this exposes the roots of the teeth. This condition can be treated with gum or gingival graft surgery. The gum graft surgery yields benefits resulting in healthy gums and an attractive smile. A periodontist specializes in diagnosing and treating periodontal or gum diseases through surgery. It involves taking healthy gum tissues from the roof of a patient’s mouth and placing it on the affected or receded area. The gum grafting treatment corrects gum recession before it’s too late.

What causes gum recession?

Most patients may already have symptoms of gum recession; however, they are not fully aware of it. Here are factors that contribute to gum recession.
  • Insufficient oral care
  • Inherited genes
  • Aggressive brushing of teeth
  • Periodontal disease or bacterial gum infection
  • Hormonal changes
  • Excessive smoking
  • Teeth grinding or bruxism
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth

Types of gum graft surgery

Periodontists use three different methods of gum graft surgery to match the need of each patient, such as. 1.Connective tissue grafts. In this method, the periodontist removes gum tissue from the roof of the mouth by creating a flap and harvesting tissue from underneath the top layer. The tissue is then stitched into the existing gum tissue and the flap on the roof of the mouth is stitched back. 2.Free gingival grafts. The periodontist recommends this type of surgery to patients with thin gums. In this procedure, the tissue is removed directly from the top layer located at the roof of the mouth. It is then stitched to the affected gum area. 3.  Pedicle or lateral grafts. This gum grafting treatment suits well with patients who have a lot of gum tissues near the receded area or the exposed tooth. The periodontist grafts from the nearby gums and only partially cuts away the tissues. He then stretches the tissues over to cover the exposed tooth and stitches it securely.

Benefits of gum graft surgery

  • It helps protect the tooth against further recession.
  • It stabilizes and strengthens the gums around the tooth.
  • It decreases sensitivity in the teeth with the replacement of new gums.
  • It restores your smile and self-confidence.

Know its drawbacks

Despite the satisfactory level of gum graft surgery among patients, it is also important to know its drawbacks, such as:
  • Swollen and bleeding gums
  • Loosened teeth although this is temporary
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Infection
  • The appearance of spaces between teeth

Precautions to avoid gum problems

gum grafting treatment is a vital solution to periodontal disease. There are necessary precautions to prevent it before it becomes a full-blown problem. These are just some of the precautions that you can do:
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well-balanced meals.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss every day.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for dental check-up and cleaning.
  • Schedule an appointment with your periodontist as needed.
Proper oral care means caring not only for your teeth but your gums as well. A regular dental visit is also needed for professional teeth cleaning. Never hesitate to refer to your periodontist if you’re showing symptoms of gum recession. It can be treated with gum graft therapy to restore the health of your teeth and gums.

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